August 2022
This study examines ideology and peace advocacy discourse: A content analysis of Plateau Special Task Force peace communication strategies. The study uses Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar and Giles and Coupland’s Communication and Accommodation Theory as its theoretical framework. The research design is Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The study views language framing as a peace communication strategy used by Special Task Force (STF) personnel to convey their messages to the people of Plateau State. The study strongly affirms that words have persuasive and convincing connotations in peace speeches. The study found that the STF’s high use of ‘urge’, ‘must’, ‘put the past behind’, ‘we’, ‘non-kinetic’, ‘collective’, ‘pleading’, ‘sheath your swords’, embrace peace’ together with the first person plural noun ‘we’ are basically to reinforce the exact purpose of a peace communication strategy. For peace communication to be successful, it is framed in such a way that it must earn the trust, acceptance, support and build the confidence in the targeted audience. Thus, the usage of the above words is to reassure the people of Plateau State of a better Plateau if they do what they (STF speech makers) have said in their speeches.
Keywords: Ideology, Peace Advocacy, Critical Discourse Analysis, Communication Strategies
The advancement in technology has sparked a new face across sectors, most notably in the field of media scholarship. With displacement being less prominent in developing countries where illiteracy, inadequate access to power, and the internet are obstructing access to new media, there is a need to study the existing context in an environment like the University of Ilorin, where students have access to power and the internet. In line with the Media Displacement hypothesis, this cross-sectional study conducted survey research among University of Ilorin students to examine the comparative influence of mainstream media and social media advertisements on consumers' brand choice. Using structured questionnaires as the instrument of data collection, 395 students were purposively sampled from all 15 faculties in the university, and they agreed that advertisements on both media have an influence on them. Findings revealed a displacement in exposure and attitude, while respondents' perception is indifferent about both forms of media. The respondent in this study had a more positive attitude toward mainstream media advertisements than social media advertisements. Also, respondents in this research considered mainstream media advertisements more entertaining, visually appealing, emotionally involved, and comprehensive than social media advertisements which are against the current norm. This study recommends an integrated media mechanism of mainstream and social media for advertisers in developing countries in an environment with a high level of literacy and adequate access to the internet. However, future studies should explore using the qualitative methodology in data collection.
Keywords: Mainstream Media Advertisements, Brand Choice, Consumers, Social Media Advertisements, Media Displacement
Third-person effects (TPE) research has increased globally among social science scholars seeking to understand how and why TPE occurs among audiences. This study aims to examine the TPE methodological and theoretical trends in Asia. The study meta-analysed TPE articles from internationally recognized media and communication-related journals with some Asian roots to understand the research topics, authorship, country/territory, theoretical approaches, methodology, population, sampling, and the available TPE components dominant among TPE researchers in Asia. The results revealed that 38 articles maintain Asia as a firm territory for TPE research. In addition, the analysis also fronted politics and pornography, and sexuality as the dominant research subjects among Asian TPE researchers. The most popular research method among TPE articles in Asia is the survey method, with students as the dominant and reliable respondents sampled randomly. Lastly, the analysis also highlights that both perceptual and behavioural components of TPE are predominantly used in the articles, although Asian TPE articles barely use other theories to explain the phenomenon. The analysis has proved that TPE research in Asia is on the right path.
Keywords: Meta-Analysis, Methodological Trends, Behavioural Component, Perceptual Component, Theoretical Trends, Third-Person Effect (TPE)
Nur Hafifah Jamalludin*
International Islamic University, Malaysia
Saodah Wok
International Islamic University, Malaysia
Tengku Siti Aisha Tengku Azzman
International Islamic University, Malaysia
Nerawi Sedu
International Islamic University, Malaysia
*Corresponding author
Students are active users of online platforms using it for academic purposes and daily activities, including online payment transactions or e-banking. Thus, they are vulnerable to online fraud threats imposed by perpetrators. Developing cyber resilience will help them prepare for, adapt to, and recover from online fraud threats. In explaining the impact of perception, attitude, and behaviour on cyber resilience towards online fraud threats among International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) students, this study utilizes social exchange theory (SET). SET helps provide an understanding of student's ability to keep their data secure and seek rewards for long-term benefits such as gaining extra knowledge on cyber-security as part of their preparation to handle stressful events imposed by perpetrators. The conceptual framework also assumes that during a stressful event imposed by perpetrators, students are likely to be more alert to the risk of becoming victims of online fraud. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the relationship between the main components of SET, which are perception, attitude, and perception regarding cyber resiliency. A quantitative research design was employed in this study. The survey method was used, with a questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. A total of 269 undergraduate students from seven different Kulliyyah participated in this study. Findings show that there are significant relationships between perception, attitude, behaviour, and cyber resilience towards online fraud. Thus, SET is supported in the study.
Keywords: Attitude, Behavior, Cyber Resilience, Online Fraud Perception, Social Exchange Theory (SET)
Aida Filzah Ramli
Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia
Mohammad Rezal Hamzah
Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia
Nor’izah Ahmad
Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia
*Corresponding author
Bencana alam merupakan malapetaka yang menyebabkan sesuatu menjadi musnah dan rosak serta berlaku tanpa dapat diramal. Dengan kepesatan teknologi zaman kini, cabaran mengendalikan situasi bencana semakin mencabar terutamanya dalam menguruskan maklumat di media sosial. Kajian ini merupakan satu kajian kes yang telah melihat sejauh mana proses sensemaking oleh Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara (NADMA) terhadap situasi bencana di media sosial. Temubual secara mendalam telah dijalankan bersama dengan pasukan pengurusan bencana NADMA yang mempunyai pengalaman lebih daripada 15 tahun dalam mengendalikan pengurusan bencana. Sesi temu bual separa berstruktur telah melibatkan enam orang pegawai NADMA. Data temu bual disalin dalam bentuk tulisan (transcribe) dan kemudiannya menggunakan bantuan perisian Atlas.ti 8. Hasil kajian telah membangunkan lima tema utama iaitu Kategori Bencana (TU-1), Pengesahan Berita (TU-2), Saringan Maklumat (TU-3), Penyiasatan Agensi (TU-4) dan Semak Maklumat (TU-5). Tambahan pula, melalui ciri enacted sensemaking, terdapat lima tema asas yang telah dikelaskan iaitu Kenal pasti Situasi Terkini (TA-1), Pentadbir Media Sosial (TA-2), Penelitian Risiko dan Impak (TA-3), Pengurusan Maklumat (TA-4) dan Pengawal Maklumat Bencana (TA-5). Kesimpulannya, pasukan pengurusan bencana NADMA dilihat telah mengaplikasi proses enactment dengan ciri enacted sensemaking semasa mengendalikan situasi bencana di media sosial. Secara teorinya, kajian ini bertujuan untuk memperkayakan kajian dalam bidang komunikasi terutamanya semasa situasi bencana.
Keywords: Enacted Sensemaking, Sensemaking, Pasukan Pengurusan Bencana, Media Sosial, Bencana

Mohd Yahya Mohamed Ariffin dan Kalsom Ali, Kuala Lumpur, Penerbit Universiti Malaya, 161 halaman, ISBN 978-967-488-144-3